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Enjoy Mega Safari

"10 Days Kenya Uganda and Tanzania Game Drive"

The 10 days Kenya Tanzania Uganda Gorilla safari will take you to all the 3 East African countries. Each country has its unique appeal offering different experience. The safari climaxes with gorilla tracking which is truly unique and a lifetime experience. The gorilla tracking permits need to be secured way in advance because of their limited availability to a small number of visitors.

MASAI MARA GAME RESERVE – World renown for the awe-inspiring annual migration of wildebeest, the Mara is Kenya’s most visited protected area. Its rolling grasslands, meandering rivers and towering escarpments offer one of the world’s most rewarding and evocative wildlife arenas.

SERENGETI NATIONAL PARK – It is a World Heritage Site teeming with wildlife. The Serengeti speaks for itself and with good reason not only the migration of over 1 million wildebeest through its plains and woodlands but also unique landscapes and other spectacular wildlife.

NGORONGORO CONSERVATION AREA – It includes the spectacular Ngorongoro Crater, the world’s largest caldera. Ngorongoro Conservation Area is host to the largest ungulate herds in the world, including gnu (wildebeests). It is also a UNESCO World Heritage site.

BWINDI IMPENETRABLE FOREST – Bwindi is habitat to more than half the world’s population of Mountain Gorillas. It was declared a UNESCO Natural World Heritage Site in 1994. It is one of three places in the world that guests can track the critically-endangered mountain gorillas.

Main Accommodations:

  • Serengeti Katikati Camp
  • Serengeti Tented Camp
  • Ngorongoro Farmhouse Lodge
  • Gorilla Safari Lodge
  • Royal Mara

  • Program (10 days)

    • 1

      Day 1: Depart Nairobi for Masai Mara

      You will be met by our company representative at your hotel and after a short briefing depart for Masai Mara game reserve. On the way you will have a brief stop in Mai Mahiu where you will enjoy wonderful views of the Great Valley. You will also have a brief stop at Narok town where you’ll visit the supermarket and buy anything you will need before getting into the wilderness. Arrive and have an en-route game drive as you proceed to Mara Leisure Camp/Equivalent for lunch and short rest. In the late afternoon be taken for a game drive.

    • 2

      Day 2: Masai Mara (Full Day)

      After a scrumptious breakfast you will head out for a full day Masai Mara experience. You will have an option of morning and afternoon game drives or a full day game drive with packed lunch. After viewing of wildlife, you have an option of visiting a cultural Masai village as drive back to the camp. Back to the camp in the evening.

    • 3

      Day 3: Depart Masai Mara for Serengeti National Park Tanzania

      After breakfast at the lodge, you will drive through the southern part of Masai Mara reserve as you proceed to Serengeti via Tanzania border at Isebania/Sirari. You will be assisted by your driver-guide to clear customs. You will have picnic lunch along the way. On arrival at Serengeti national reserve, you will have an en-route game drive as you head to the camp.

    • 4

      Day 4: Full Day Serengeti National Park

      After breakfast, you will enjoy full-day game drives in Serengeti national park. It is one ecosystem with Masai Mara and also famous for annual wildebeest migration. Serengeti national park is a Unesco world heritage site and offers great wildlife viewing opportunities. The parks has a lot of wildlife including extensive birdlife.

    • 5

      Day 5: Depart Serengeti for Ngorongoro Crater

      Have an early morning game drive at Serengeti national park before returning for breakfast. After breakfast you will have an en-route game drive through Serengeti as you proceed to Ngorongoro conservation area. Ngorongoro crater is a world heritage site and the world’s largest unbroken volcanic caldera which is often referred to as a wonder of the world. You will enjoy breath-taking views of scenery and game can be witnessed from both the crater rims and within the crater.

    • 6

      Day 6: Full Day Ngorongoro Crater

      After breakfast, you’ll depart for Ngorongoro Crater; sometimes considered as the 8th Wonder of the World. View wildlife on the floor of the Ngorongoro Crater. This 165km square paradise was formed by the collapse of an ancient volcano more than 25 million years ago. The resulting rich fertile soil has produced lush vegetation that has attracted more than 30,000 resident mammals and a delicate balance of predator and prey. There is a good chance of seeing the Big Five during your day of game driving on the crater floor. Travel with a picnic lunch, served near a hippo pool. In the evening, you return to your lodge for dinner and overnight.

    • 7

      Day 7: Depart Tanzania for Uganda

      After an early morning breakfast drive to Arusha where you will catch your flight to Entebbe Uganda. From Entebbe you will catch another flight to Kihihi airstrip Bwindi. On arrival, you will be met at the airstrip and transferred to the lodge by road. On reaching the lodge, you will check in relax, have dinner and prepare for the next day’s adventure with gorillas.

    • 8

      Day 8: Bwindi Impenetrable Forest

      After breakfast, have an early start to the briefing point at the park headquarters where you will receive information about gorilla tracking. You will drive to a point before you start hiking. The walking can be challenging because of the steep slopes and high altitude. The ranger will coordinate with the trackers regarding the location of the gorillas and once they are found you will head there. Once the time is over, you will reluctantly leave and head back to the vehicles and be driven back satisfied with the experience..

    • 9

      Day 9: Bwindi Impenetrable Forest

      You will have second day of close encounter with the gorillas. Each encounter provides a different experience as there are several gorilla families providing different experience and living in different parts of the park. Each has its own territory, in a different location, with individual characters, making every family a unique group. Again you will reluctantly leave the encounter once your time is up and head back to the lodge.

    • 10

      Day 10: Depature Uganda for Kenya

      After breakfast, you will head to Kihihi Airstrip where you will take the scheduled flight to Entebbe where you will catch your International flight back home. That will mark the end of the 10 days Kenya Tanzania Uganda Gorilla safari.


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