+2540202001467Mon - Sat 8.00/18.00


"8 Days Kilimanjaro Mountain Climbing"

A freestanding, snow-covered dormant volcano, majestic Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa. Located in northeast Tanzania, it can be seen from far into Kenya and Amboseli National Park. 75,000 mountaineering enthusiasts climb Kilimanjaro every year so it is not the most untouched mountain, nor is it the most arduous. However, it is certainly a test of one’s endurance, with altitude sickness the main reason for hikers not getting to the summit of Kilimanjaro. Although it has become a very popular challenge and the experience slightly crowded with other climbers, we still highly recommend it for anyone with an interest in mountaineering.

Mt Kilimanjaro is located in North Tanzania next to some of the top safari parks in Africa, so while making an ascent it would be a shame not visit the northern parks and experience the Serengeti, Ngorongoro or Tarangire. There are hundreds of operators that work on Mount Kilimanjaro but over the years, we have decided to work some companies based on their safety record of accomplishment, guides and cost. Climbing Kilimanjaro is potentially very dangerous so it is important to be with the right company.

Key Features

Wildlife: Blue Monkey, White Necked Raven, Colobus Monkey, Four Striped Mouse.

Activities: Mountain Climbing, Birds Watching, Camping, Sight Seeing

Program (8 days)

  • 1

    Day 1: Depart Nairobi for Moshi

    07h30: Tranfered from Nairobi for Moshi via Arusha. Arrive Moshi and transfer to the hotel Sal sanero, where you will meet your climbing guide for briefing and final gear check. Overnight at Sal salnero

  • 2

    Day 2: Leave Moshi for Machame hut (9,840ft/3000m)

    07h00: After breakfast leave the lodge for the Kilimanjaro National Park gate at Machame for entry registration then start the trek to Machame hut through thick rain forest. 12h30: Have packed lunch at a picnic site along the trail. 19h00: Dinner and retire for the day at Machame hut.

  • 3

    Day 3: Leave Machame hut for Shira hut (12,470ft/3800m)

    08h00: After breakfast, ascend past the Shira and through ridges and valleys heading to the next night stop at Shira hut. 12h30: Have packed lunch at a picnic site along the trail. 19h00: Dinner and retire for the day at Shira hut.

  • 4

    Day 4: Leave Shira hut for Barranco camp (12,960ft/3950m)

    08h00: Head eastward to a junction where we continue to Lava Tower Campsite (14,760ft/4500m), then descend to Barranco camp thus allowing your body to adjust to altitude change. 12h30: Have packed lunch at a picnic site along the trail. 19h00: Dinner and overnight at Barranco camp.

  • 5

    Day 5: Leave Barranco camp for Barafu camp (15,090ft/4600m)

    08h00: After breakfast, hike the great Barranco wall then across the Karanga Valley and ascend to Karanga campsite for lunch. 12h30: Hot lunch at the Karanga campsite. 13h30: Afternoon hike to Barafu camp. 17h00: Have dinner and take the day’s rest ready for the hike to the summit.

  • 6

    Day 6: Leave Barafu camp for Summit (19,340ft/5895m)-Mweka

    00h00: Have a cup of coffee/tea and start the midnight trek to the summit via Stella Point. 06h00: Reach the summit, Uhuru peak, have a short period of photo taking then descend to Barafu camp for breakfast/Brunch and a little rest. 12h00: Continue down to Mweka hut for the day’s and night’s rest.

  • 7

    Day 7: Leave Mweka camp for Moshi

    08h00: Walk down to the park gate where say bye to the guides and porters, have packed lunches on the way to the Keys Hotel for a well-deserved hot shower. Afternoon spent at leisure relaxing by the pool. 19h00: Overnight at the Sal sanero hotel. BB

  • 8

    Day 8: Depart Moshi for Nairobi

    07h00: transferred to Nairobi


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