+2540202001467Mon - Sat 8.00/18.00

Enjoy 4 Days Lake Manyara Ngorongoro Safari

In this tour we will cover the 3 most popular destinations in Tanzania - Lake Manyara National Park (1 night), Central Serengeti (1 night) and Ngorongoro Crater (1 night). Tour starts and ends at Arusha. With our experienced driver guides, it will be a trip of a lifetime. Lake Manyara is a lovely scenic park on the road from Arusha to the Ngorongoro Crater, famous for its tree climbing lions, great birdlife, good elephants and baboons. The lake itself takes up much of the park, leaving a strip of land running along its shores where game concentrates.

The Ngorongoro Crater and surrounding highlands together form one of Africa's most beautiful regions. Volcanic craters form stunning backdrops to some of the most fertile and richest grazing grounds in Africa. The most famous such crater is without question Ngorongoro, the world’s largest intact volcanic caldera and home to the highest density of big game in Africa. Ngorongoro is justifiably one of the continent's most famous safari destinations.

Main Accommodations:

  • Budget Kizumba Tinted campsite
  • Mid - range Fanaka Lodge
  • Luxury Lake Manyara Serena Lodge
  • Simba public campsite
  • Mid- range Rhino Lodge
  • Luxury Ngorongoro Serena Lodge
  • MEALS: Water is included in all meals (Other drinks is not included)

    Program (4 days)

    • 1

      Day 1: Depart Arusha for Lake Manayara

      Depart Arusha and arrive to Lake Manyara superb lunch awaits at Lake Manyara Serena lodge. Our afternoon game run through the famous tree climbing lions a sight you will most definitely never forget! Dinner and overnight at a booked Lodge

    • 2

      Day 2: Depart Lake Manyara for Ngorongoro crater

      Leave Lake Manyara after breakfast and drive to Ngorongoro for lunch. Spend the best of afternoon exploring around the rim of the crater. All meals and Overnight at a booked lodge/Camp.

    • 3

      Day 3: Full Game at Ngorongoro Crater

      Spend the full day exploring the crater floor. A noon when the animals seek shade and rest, it is time to stop for a picnic lunch and a time to relax a while. Have a short game drive as you ascend to the rim. Dinner and Overnight in your lodge.

    • 4

      Day 4: Depart Ngorongoro Crater for Arusha

      After an early game drive and breakfast, we drive back to Arusha arrival around noon.


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    By Train/tube

    Per cu esse assentior delicatissimi, qui adipiscing dissentiunt mediocritatem in, dicat voluptaria no eam. No est alia eloquentiam. Has rebum vulputate adversarium no. Pro cibo delenit scripserit id.

    By bus

    Per cu esse assentior delicatissimi, qui adipiscing dissentiunt mediocritatem in, dicat voluptaria no eam. No est alia eloquentiam. Has rebum vulputate adversarium no. Pro cibo delenit scripserit id.

    By Taxi/cabs

    Per cu esse assentior delicatissimi, qui adipiscing dissentiunt mediocritatem in, dicat voluptaria no eam. No est alia eloquentiam. Has rebum vulputate adversarium no. Pro cibo delenit scripserit id.

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