+2540202001467Mon - Sat 8.00/18.00

Enjoy 4 Days Safari At

"Shimba Hills, Tsavo East, Tsavo West and Amboseli"

The 4 days Mombasa / Diani - Shimba Hills, Tsavo East and West Safari offers Big game watching (wildlife), bird watching and scenery viewing. You may also sight the endangered Sable antelope in Shimba Hills. Transport is in 4WD Safari Land cruiser. Accommodation will be in luxury safari lodge.

Main Accommodations:

  • Shimba Hills Lodge
  • Standard: Ngulia Safari Lodge
  • Mid- range Severine Tsavo West
  • Luxury Kilaguni Serena/Finch Hatton Camp/Severin
  • Standard: AA Lodge, Kibo Camp
  • Mid- range Sentrim Tsavo/Kilima Camp
  • Luxury Amboseli Serena/Oltukai Lodge
  • NOTE: The price depends on the level of accommodation ranging from Luxury, Medium and Standard lodge/Camp and the season i.e. high season peak and low season

    Program (4 days)

    • 1

      Day 1: Depart Hotel for Shimba Hills

      Leave your beach hotel after breakfast and drive to Shimba the remaining tropical forest rich in game and plenty of bird species, butterflies, and tree species of great value and with help of our guides you will learn a great deal. A guided walk to Shedrick Falls is a special occasion for adventurers as you will shower from the falling water. The park has sable antelopes found only here. Your lunch will be at the only Tree hotel in the coastal region. Afternoon game drive in the National Reserve with a sundowners walk crowning it all. Dinner and overnight in the Shimba lodge.

    • 2

      Day 2: Depart Shimba Hills for Tsavo East/West

      After breakfast drive through Duruma land endowed with Savannah vegetation to Tsavo East National Park. You enter the park through Bachuma gate and start game viewing taking you up to lunchtime. After lunch you will drive to Tsavo West where we will have an evening game drive, visiting the rhino sanctuary. Dinner and overnight in either a booked lodge/Camp.

    • 3

      Day 3: Depart Tsavo West for Amboseli

      Early breakfast and drive to Amboseli National Park through the Shetani Lava and the Mzima springs. Continue with game drive enroute arriving in time for lunch. Evening game viewing with opportunities of viewing Mt Kilimanjaro especially on a clear sky day. Visit Maasai village (optional). All meals and overnight at a booked lodge/Camp.

    • 4

      Day 4: Depart Amboseli for Mombasa/Diani/Malindi

      Early breakfast, then game drives enroute out of the park. Lunch will be on the way as you drive back to your coastal hotel arriving late in the evening.


    Fabulous (Based 9 reviews)

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    By Train/tube

    Per cu esse assentior delicatissimi, qui adipiscing dissentiunt mediocritatem in, dicat voluptaria no eam. No est alia eloquentiam. Has rebum vulputate adversarium no. Pro cibo delenit scripserit id.

    By bus

    Per cu esse assentior delicatissimi, qui adipiscing dissentiunt mediocritatem in, dicat voluptaria no eam. No est alia eloquentiam. Has rebum vulputate adversarium no. Pro cibo delenit scripserit id.

    By Taxi/cabs

    Per cu esse assentior delicatissimi, qui adipiscing dissentiunt mediocritatem in, dicat voluptaria no eam. No est alia eloquentiam. Has rebum vulputate adversarium no. Pro cibo delenit scripserit id.

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