+2540202001467Mon - Sat 8.00/18.00

Enjoy Tsavo Safari

The sight of dust-red elephant wallowing, rolling and spraying each other with the midnight blue waters of palm-shaded Galana River is one of the most evocative images in Africa. This, along with the 300 kilometers long Yatta Plateau, the longest lava flow in the world, make for an adventure unlike any other in the Tsavo East. The park forms the largest protected area in Kenya and is home to most of the larger mammals, vast herds of dust –red elephant, Rhino, buffalo, lion, leopard, pods of hippo, crocodile, waterbucks, lesser Kudu, gerenuk and the prolific bird life features 500 recorded species.

From the sight of fifty million gallons of crystal clear water gushing out of from the under parched lava rock that is the Mzima Springs to the Shetani lava flows, Tsavo West is a beautiful, rugged wilderness. The savannah ecosystem comprises of open grasslands, scrublands, and Acacia woodlands, belts of riverine vegetation and rocky ridges including the Poacher's Lookout where visitors can see the teeming herds in the plains below. Tsavo West offers some of the most magnificent game viewing in the world and attractions include elephant, rhino, Hippos, lions, cheetah, leopards, Buffalos, diverse plant and bird species including the threatened corncrake and near threatened Basra Reed Warbler.

Main Accommodations:

  • Standard Lodge Ngulia Safari Lodge
  • Mid- Range: Severine Tsavo West
  • Luxury: Kilaguni Serena/Finch Hatton Camp/Severin
  • NOTE: The price depends on the level of accommodation ranging from Luxury, Medium and Standard lodge/Camp and the season i.e. high season peak and low season

    Program (2 days)

    • 1

      Day 1: Depart Mombasa for Tsavo East And West

      Pick from your hotel early in the morning drive to Tsavo East National Park, Game drive enroute to lodge for lunch. After lunch drive to Tsavo West arriving in time for a visit to the rhino sanctuary, after that drive to the lodge for dinner and overnight.

    • 2

      Day 2: Depart Tsavo West for Mombasa

      Early Breakfast then drive to Mzima spring via chaimu lava flow, after, continue with game drive enroute before resting for lunch. After lunch drive back to your Beach hotel, arriving late afternoon.


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