+2540202001467Mon - Sat 8.00/18.00

Enjoy Mombasa Island

Mombasa Island is the Central business park of the coastal region of Kenya. Nowadays it is known as Mombasa County. The city is famously known for its attractiveness, World class Hotels, rich history and the Swahili culture. It connects tourist to other places like Diani to the south and Malindi / Watamu / Lamu to the North.

The Full Mombasa Island tour is a historical / Cultural tour within the Mombasa Island. It involves visit to the famous Forte Jesus and other old structures along Old town. The package will also involve the visit to the Akamba handcraft industry, Hindu Temple and the famous Tusks and others.

Mombasa Island is known for its humidity / temperate, it is a very hot town during summer days. The rich cultures will expose you to both the Arabic / Swahili culture. Its people are friendly welcoming and very interactive. You will also be introduced into Swahili cultural foods are tasty and delicious, rich seafood, and the famous coastal fruit (madafu). You will have to taste and feel the Swahili way. Welcome and enjoy.

Program (1 Day)

  • 1

    AT 08:00 AM Pickup from Hotel for Mombasa

    You will be picked at 8.00 am in the morning for Mombasa Island, passing through the Mombasa-Malindi highway where you will spend like two hrs crossover. This early tour will include the visit to the Akamba handcraft industry. Where you will see the craft behind our tourism.

  • 2

    AT 11:00 AM Visit to the Hindu Temple

    This section of the tour will let you have the chance to visit the Hindu temple and learn the Hindu culture, their believes and their community in details. You will get the opportunity to practice, associate, interact with this community, and experience how it feels.

  • 3

    AT 12:30 - 14:00 PM Cultural Lunch within the Island

    Here we shall have an excellent buffet lunch in Mombasa town. A cultural lunch, full of local foods and seafood. This is the time when you will experience the real Swahili culture. Always the taste and the feel cannot be experienced without the taste of food.

  • 4

    AT 14:00 to 15:00 PM, Walk Through Old Town

    This part will take you through the narrow alleys of the Old town and see for yourself the carved doors and overhanging balconies. You will also visit the old Dhow harbor where Arabs dhows could be seen as they come in, and visit the spice market.

  • 5

    AT 15:00 PM Visit to Historical Fort Jesus

    We are going to end the tour by visiting the famous Fort Jesus, build by the Portuguese in 1593 when Vasco Da gamma visited Kenya during the colonization. You will get to see how they build the structure and the position of the arsenals to fight enemies coming to the Island. Come and learn more. “Karibu Kenya”.


Fabulous (Based 9 reviews)

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By Train/tube

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By bus

Per cu esse assentior delicatissimi, qui adipiscing dissentiunt mediocritatem in, dicat voluptaria no eam. No est alia eloquentiam. Has rebum vulputate adversarium no. Pro cibo delenit scripserit id.

By Taxi/cabs

Per cu esse assentior delicatissimi, qui adipiscing dissentiunt mediocritatem in, dicat voluptaria no eam. No est alia eloquentiam. Has rebum vulputate adversarium no. Pro cibo delenit scripserit id.

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