+2540202001467Mon - Sat 8.00/18.00

Explore Zanzibar Island

"Enjoy 3 Days Zanzibar Island Tour"

Zanzibar is a Tanzanian archipelago off the coast of East Africa. On its main island, Unguja, familiarly called Zanzibar, is Stone Town, a historic trade center with Swahili and Islamic influences. It’s winding lanes present minarets, carved doorways and 19th-century landmarks such as the House of Wonders, a former sultan’s palace. The northern villages Nungwi and Kendwa have wide beaches lined with hotels.

What makes Zanzibar special?

What makes Zanzibar different to other tropical island destinations is the eclectic mix of sun, sea, sand and spice. But there is much more – vivid history, culture and a variety of excursions that makes this one of the most popular all-round beach destinations for people of all ages and interests. Apart from this, a whole range of endangered species can be found in the warm tropical waters around the archipelago – from bottlenose dolphins and green turtles to the once assumed extinct coelecanth! Zanzibar also hosts annual festivals and events drawing people from all over East Africa and the world.

Program (3 days)

  • 1

    Day 1: Diani/Mombasa -Zanzibar

    We transfer you from your hotel to Moi international Airport for your flight to Zanzibar. Fly to the Spice Island where you will be met and transferred to a traditional hotel in the Island for lunch. Afternoon a spice tour in the rural areas that grow cloves, vanilla, nutmeg and other spices, medical and ornamental plants and fruits unique to the island. Tour stone town that provides evidence of a rich cultural heritage where Arabs, Indians, Persians, and Europeans influenced blended with local African tradition. Thereafter dinner and overnight at the Zanzibar Serena Inn in the shores of stone town.

  • 2

    Day 2: Zanzibar Island

    After breakfast enjoy viewing historical buildings with curved wooden doors, shaded by balconies and verandas line the narrow winding streets. Evening is spent on leisure or you could book privately one of the many day dhow trips in Zanzibar. Dinner and overnight at the Zanzibar Serena Inn.

  • 3

    Eos aeque fuisset

    Breakfast in the morning then be transferred to catch your flight at Zanzibar airport to fly to Mombasa arriving in the morning then be transferred to your Kenya coastal hotel arriving before time for lunch.


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By Train/tube

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By bus

Per cu esse assentior delicatissimi, qui adipiscing dissentiunt mediocritatem in, dicat voluptaria no eam. No est alia eloquentiam. Has rebum vulputate adversarium no. Pro cibo delenit scripserit id.

By Taxi/cabs

Per cu esse assentior delicatissimi, qui adipiscing dissentiunt mediocritatem in, dicat voluptaria no eam. No est alia eloquentiam. Has rebum vulputate adversarium no. Pro cibo delenit scripserit id.

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